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our fab story


Tiffany Thomas

I learnt my early culinary trade as a little girl, right here in Croydon NSW, in the small kitchen of my Grandma’s home, who we all affectionately called “Bon”.  


I’m a self-taught Australian-born, chef/owner of Sweet Sensations Cupcakery, who entered the kitchen by chance in my early 20’s, as I was captivated by the influence food has on us as individuals and in social gatherings.  Whether we are looking for a little comfort or want to celebrate a special occasion with those we love, food always features as a much trusted and loved companion.


An inspiring self-determination and dedication to a career, I stayed 20 years in the kitchen, reading books at night and working during the day. I now have a desire, to share my baked goods with you, whether it’s for a little well deserved indulgence or simply to celebrate with a loved one, or many.


Over the years, I have enjoyed travelling to numerous exotic locations immersing myself in the rich local culture and amazing cuisine. My circle of family and friends now also span all the continents of the globe, which not only has opened my mind but also my heart to all the amazing culinary experiences I have been privileged to enjoy.


My goal, was to share this rich tapestry of culinary experiences with as many people as I could, through my cupcakes and cookies.  Now, through my boutique service I can satisfy the cravings of all the purists out there who still hold dear to their heart, the value of a freshly baked, hand made delight, created specifically for YOUR order. 


We sincerely hope, that after your very first bite, you simply just can’t help but smile and feel nothing but joy as you devour one of our hand crafted cupcakes or cookies.



I realised very early the power of food to evoke memory, to bring people together, to transport you to other places, and I wanted to be part of that.


Founder of Sweet Sensations Cupcakery

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